Thursday, July 20, 2006
Cats at night

Here in the UK we are having a spell of very hot summer weather. All four of my foster-cats - Sylvester, Magic, Queenie and Janan - are enjoying spending all the time out of doors, only coming in for a food top-up every now and again!
The problem comes at bed-time! Cats love to be out of doors on these balmy summer nights. The temperature is just right, without the hot sun which they often find too hot. Not only that, but there are lots of little creatures they can hunt. They love leaping around after moths or chasing voles or fieldmice. Last night I was watching little Janan chasing a frog that was hopping around. She never caught it but she was having a great time trying, and there was no way she wanted to come inside. I usually find that at that hour, instead of running to greet me as they normally would, they deliberately elude me because they know I try to get them in at that time!
I often hear people say "Oh we always put our cat out at night". I really don't agree with them. Night-time is the most dangerous time when cats are most likely to be killed or injured on the roads. They could be caught by foxes or other wild animals. They could also wander off and get lost, if they are locked out for several hours.
My cats think I am really mean making then come in at night, but home is the safest place for them!