Sunday, May 21, 2006


Care of the older cat

Care of the older cat: "Will my cat need different care as he gets older?
Your cat is likely to prove an extremely rewarding companion as he gets older. Cats often become increasingly affectionate and companionable, and like to be with you more and more. Your cat may become less playful, but not necessarily - healthy cats often still like playing at 15 or 16. So don't stop playing with him - he will enjoy it and he really needs the exercise and stimulation. Click here: Slow Mouse Cat Toy for an ideal toy he will love.
The older cat may be stiffer and have arthritic joints so he may not be able to jump up so high. If one of his favourite snoozing places is higher up, you may want to provide steps or stages he can climb on to help him get up there. Also he may not be able to get to all parts of his body to groom himself, so do groom him regularly. If part of his coat becomes matted, cut it off or get the vet to do it. You can find some really helpful products here: Cat Hair Care Products at!
Sometimes also when he becomes less active his claws will grow long and will need clipping regularly. He is likely to object strongly to this so again you may need to seek the help of your partner, a friend or the vet. If this is not done, his claws will curl round and pierce the pad, which will cause infection and be very painful.
Older cats have different dietary needs - for example they need less protein and phosphorus - so do make sure that you give them food that is designated for senior cats. Your cat may object at first as food for younger cats has more fat and is more tasty, but do not give in as the extra protein and phosphorus is bad for him and can cause kidney damage. You will need to be specially careful if there is a young cat in the house who is on junior food, as the older one will go for this if he can"

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