Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Relating to cat caring for cat

Relating to cat caring for cat: "Does my cat really love me or is he just after food?
Opinions do differ on this, but personally I have no doubt that cats can feel affection for their humans. When my cats come running to meet me when I get home, purring and rubbing against me, they are not after food as I left them food when I went out. And they are not lonely as they have each other. They are really pleased to see ME.
On the other hand you can't take a cat's affection for granted in the way that you often can a dog's. The cat is very much his own person and he decides on whom he will bestow his affection and trust. Of course food is part of it - your cat won't love you if you don't feed him as that is an important way you show you care. You can help yourself to gain his affection by showing him that YOU love HIM - he really will respond to this. Talk to him, never shout at him or hit him, always be consistent so he know he can trust you.
For one of the best books I have found on how to bond with your cat, Click Here!"

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